My unique background combines academic urban research, creative professionalism in arts and design, and a personal history of engagement with urban phenomena through multiple roles – as a designer, placemaker, researcher, planner and an urban activist.

My main professional interests

  • Jalmari Sarla ravintolapäivä restaurant day project in Pasila 2018

    Placemaking and tactical urbanism

    I specialise in activating underutilised public spaces through community-driven and creative placemaking processes that turn leftover urban spaces into beloved neighbourhood spots and passers-by into communities.

  • Participant observation, ethnography, qualitative research

    Qualitative methods in urban research

    I’m passionate about studying social and cultural phenomena in urban settings through ethnographic methods, participant observation, interviews, walk-alongs, visual ethnography and experimental social research methods

  • Photo by Jalmari Sarla in Plovdiv Bulgaria public space experience and quality

    Public space experience and quality

    In my first master's thesis, I explored the spatial and aesthetic experiences of public spaces. I am interested in public spaces’ experiential qualities: sensory and bodily experiences as well as social and cultural values.

  • Suvilahti Helsinki urban politics, history and subcultures

    Urban politics, history and subcultures

    I am captivated by the intricate tapestry of urban life and the planning and development processes that shape cities over time. Studying the diverse actors and communities involved helps uncover the dynamics of urban life.

  • Urban activism pasila helsinki urban gardening

    Urban activism

    As an active observer and learner, I am partaking in urban activisms that reclaim public spaces for communal and natural uses. I am dedicated to fostering inclusivity for vulnerable groups within urban environments.

  • Bulgaria plovdiv post-socialist architecture urban transformations

    Urban transformations in post-socialist cities

    My interest towards Eastern Europe and post-socialist cities and regions is both personal and academic. My extensive travels and networks in the region form the backbone to my projects regarding post-socialist urban studies.